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Tommie D (Oakland Park, FL)
3/22/2009 in Marietta, GA  EVENT: 19th Marietta Roundup  TYPE: AA, Female, Story  ( 1 hr 16 min )

"I used to say I came from a dysfunctional family but I'm it. The rest of my family was fine."

"I truly believe that alcoholism is a feeling illness."

Olivia M (Marietta, GA)
6/29/2024 in Douglasville, GA  EVENT: 32nd West Georgia Gratitude Weekend  TYPE: AA, Female, Story  ( 38 min )

"I used to have no emotions. Now have them all."

"You can be a victim or a victor. The choice is up to you."

"Things don't get easier but dealing with them does."

Jim W (Aledo, TX)
7/25/1992 in Greenville, SC  EVENT: Unknown Event  TYPE: AA, Male, Story  ( 1 hr 35 min )

"As long as you know what you know, you'll never know. But when you begin to not do what we tell you not to do and to do what we tell you to do, then you will begin to know that you don't know then you'll begin to know."

Chip B (Destin, FL)
6/24/2023 in Douglasville, GA  EVENT: 31st West Georgia Gratitude Weekend  TYPE: AA, Male, Story  ( 56 min )

"The Steps were designed to heal not to hurt."

Bob D - Principals (Las Vegas, NV)
2/18/2017 in Hebron, KY  EVENT: 66th Kentucky State AA Conference  TYPE: AA, Male, Workshop  ( 55 min )

"We were having trouble with personal relationships, we couldn't control our emotional natures, we were a prey to misery and depression, we couldn't make a living, we had a feeling of uselessness, we were full of fear, we were unhappy, we couldn't seem to be of real help to other people ..."

"But it is from our twisted relations with family, friends, and society at large that many of us have suffered the most. We have been especially stupid and stubborn about them. The primary fact that we fail to recognize is our total inability to form a true partnership with another human being. Our egomania digs two disastrous pitfalls. Either we insist upon dominating the people we know, or we depend upon them far too much."

Sheldon F (Las Vegas, NV)
8/5/2017 in Atlanta, GA  EVENT: 42nd Atlanta Roundup  TYPE: AA, Male, Story  ( 1 hr 9 min )

"My dad is not an alcoholic but my dad is a selfish, self-centered guy. My dad's focused on how he feels and how much fun he's having. I mean, gosh, who among us isn't? ...My dad saw a pretty girl when I was two - chased after her. He saw another pretty girl when my son was six - chased after her. My dad is just a guy that wants to enjoy his life and he makes mistakes along the way and people get hurt. He couldn't have done any different! That was his N-A-T-U-R-E! I was mad at him for NOT doing something he was not capable of doing."

NY Margie (Georgia)
10/26/1997 in Rock Eagle, GA  EVENT: 17th Women's Recovery Workshop  TYPE: AA, Female, Story  ( 1 hr 12 min )

"Stick with the winners? We are all winners!"

"Life is full of potholes but you got to learn to steer around them but Margie tried to plow right through them."

"I didn't stop believing in God, I just got afraid of His Will and shut the door on him."

Snookie S (Rome, GA)
May 1981 in Macon, GA  EVENT: Georgia State Service Assembly (GSSA)  TYPE: AA, Male, Story  ( 54 min )

"Above all, before I can be any or even one of these things, I must always remember first that I am an alcoholic and that my life became unmanageable."

Mel B (Toledo, OH)
July 2015 in Atlanta, GA  EVENT: Sober City 2015 at The Tabernacle  TYPE: AA, Male, Story  ( 1 hr 5 min )

"Pass It On"

Jim B (Pasadena, CA)
8/17/1989 in Omaha, NE  EVENT: 12th Cornhuskers Roundup  TYPE: AA, Male, Story  ( 55 min )

"I am not as good as I look.".

He is a carpenter by trade with a bank balance of $312 dollars.

"I am just a drunk with a funny name... And I love AA and everything about it."