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Steve B (Van Nuys, CA)
Feb 1999 in Huntsville, AL  EVENT: 8th Huntsville Roundup  TYPE: AA, Male, Story  ( 1 hr 11 min )

"I don't identify as a drug addict. I never met a drug alcohol couldn't help."

Maggie H (Chamblee, GA)
1990 in Atlanta, GA  EVENT: Biscayne Room  TYPE: AA, Female, Story  ( 47 min )

"There has got to be a better way to run my railroad."

"I am convinced that what gets us in here is that total aloneness."

Bob D - Principals (Las Vegas, NV)
2/18/2017 in Hebron, KY  EVENT: 66th Kentucky State AA Conference  TYPE: AA, Male, Workshop  ( 55 min )

"We were having trouble with personal relationships, we couldn't control our emotional natures, we were a prey to misery and depression, we couldn't make a living, we had a feeling of uselessness, we were full of fear, we were unhappy, we couldn't seem to be of real help to other people ..."

"But it is from our twisted relations with family, friends, and society at large that many of us have suffered the most. We have been especially stupid and stubborn about them. The primary fact that we fail to recognize is our total inability to form a true partnership with another human being. Our egomania digs two disastrous pitfalls. Either we insist upon dominating the people we know, or we depend upon them far too much."

Mark R (Omaha, NE)
12/13/2003 in St. Louis, MO  EVENT: Group 469 Holiday Bash  TYPE: AA, Male, Story  ( 54 min )

"The first thirteen years we moved seven times, always one step ahead of trouble."

Lee Y (Lake Mary, FL)
5/4/2001 in Marietta, GA  EVENT: 11th Marietta Roundup  TYPE: AA, Male, Story  ( 1 hr 15 min )

"I didn't pick that day. I would have picked a better day than that one. I would have picked Christmas or the Fourth of July or something like that but, you know, we don't get to do that here. You don't get to pick your sobriety date, you know. I picked a bunch of them. They just didn't take."

"Human life devalued to the price of a carton of cigarettes."

Jimmy R (Los Angeles, CA)
2/15/1978 in Lancaster, CA  EVENT: Antelope Valley AA Roundup  TYPE: AA, Male, Story  ( 59 min )

"Life is now in session - Hot Damn - Get it On! ... Come on board!"

Jennifer U (Acworth, GA)
10/4/2019 in Acworth, GA  EVENT: No Excuses Group  TYPE: AA, Female, Story  ( 39 min )

"Relapse does not have to be part of your story. It is a part of a lot of people's stories and it takes what it takes but I was just very lucky that when I got here, I was really, really ready."

Don C (Cleveland, OH)
5/1/1999 in Marietta, GA  EVENT: 9th Marietta Roundup  TYPE: AA, Male, Story  ( 1 hr 18 min )

"I really believe that my reason for staying sober is good sponsorship, the book of Alcoholics Anonymous and Sister Ignatia who I love very dearly and not to long ago I gave the eulogy at her Mass because I spent five years with her...She gave you dignity before you knew you had any dignity."

"Don gave generously of himself leaving a legacy of friendship and love to all friends of Dr. Bob."

SPEAKER SET: Usual Suspects TN 2022   (Multiple)  Total time across all 8 files is 7.6 hours.
Darren D (Sydney, AUS)  2 of 8
April 2022 in Nashville, TN  EVENT: 2022 Usual Suspects Men's Retreat  TYPE: AA, Male, Story  ( 1 hr 1 min )

"Fear is a real big part of my story."

Joy of Living-Step 12 (CO,MN,GA)
2/12/2000 in Atlanta, GA  EVENT: 36th IAAWC  TYPE: AA, Female, Workshop  ( 42 min )

"After we come into A.A., if we go on growing, our attitudes and actions toward security -- emotional security and financial security -- commence to change profoundly. Our demand for emotional security, for our own way, had constantly thrown us into unworkable relations with other people."

"The end result is supposed to be an individual capable of some degree of self-responsibility. What we are supposed to be growing here is a grown up."

"It was really tough being the person that I was....I really did not know joy in my life."