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(#1372) A.A.'s History of Love and Service (AB,NM,NE)
7/3/2015 in Atlanta, GA  EVENT: AA International 2015  TYPE: AA, Both, Story

AAI15-A.A.'s History of Love and Service

A Chair and three speakers sharing on their personal experience with Love and Service:

Chair: Jennifer O of Manitoba, Canada

Walter S of Alberta, Canada - sober 28 years since 10/2/1986 - immediate Past Delegate Area 78

Robin B (female) of New Mexico - sober 23 years since 12/1/1992 - her 3rd International Convention

Ray P of Nebraska - sober 14 years since 10/15/2000

Held on the 1st day of the convention starting at 1:30 pm in the Murphy Ballroom 1 & 2 of the World Congress Center.

Listen to the same topic from other AA International Conventions:

A.A.'s History of Love and Service - 2005 - Toronto, ON

A.A.'s History of Love and Service - 2010 - San Antonio, TX

(49 min) (11.2 MB) (id#1372)






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