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(#487) A.A.'s History of Love and Service (CA, MI, AZ, MI)
7/2/2010 in San Antonio, TX  EVENT: AA International 2010  TYPE: AA, Both, Historical

AAI10-A.A.'s History of Love and Service

A Chair and three members sharing on the topic:

Chair: Paul C. of California

Jay S. of California - 1st speaker

Gail L. of Ohio - 2nd speaker

Arthur S. of Texas - 3rd speaker

Held in Ballroom C1 starting at 9:30 am.

Each speaker speaks for approximately 20 minutes.

Notes of interest: All three are or have been area archivists. Ruth Hock's daughter is in the audience. Arthur speaks to some AA lore that turns out not to be true. e.g Dr. Bob's last drink was probably not June 10, 1935 but rather a week later based on records from the AMA archives.

Listen to the same topic from other AA International Conventions:

A.A.'s History of Love and Service - 2005 - Toronto, ON

A.A.'s History of Love and Service - 2015 - Atlanta, GA

(1 hr 15 min) (8.6 MB) (id#487)






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