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(#185) Ralph W-Steps 1-2-3 (Los Angeles, CA)
12/1-4/2011 in Buford, GA  EVENT: 3rd Woodstock of the South  TYPE: AA, Male, Steps

Steps 1, 2 & 3

Part of a weekend focused on the steps and family recovery, Ralph did a masterful job of laying a firm foundation. He starts with the Dr's Opinion placed on a personal level. He then provides a convincing case for the need or a power grater than ourselves in terms that are practical and actionable.

Then he finishes with a powerful appeal to seriously ask yourself - God is everything or He is nothing...What is your choice to be? This is one of the best talks in the WeJoy collection on these critical steps.

Thanks to Lee's Tapes and Cds (877-902-5975) for recording this incredible talk.

NEXT: Jack C Steps 4-5

(1 hr 14 min) (34.3 MB) (id#185)






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