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(#901) Mari G-Steps 8-9 (Toronto, ON)
12/3/2011 in Buford, GA  EVENT: 3rd Woodstock of the South  TYPE: AA, Female, Workshop, Steps

Steps 8 and 9

Sober 27 years since 8/10/1984, Mari says these two steps involve relationships which have always been a great problem for her. Her problem was that she was totally incased in self - suffocated with self.

She had panic attacks and a seeming inability to form a lasting partnership. She has been married four times - none of them successfully.

She has absolutely no complaint about her parents. Mari simply had "absolutely no morals and a conscience changed by my own sick rationalization."

As a result, one of her amends was to the island of Jamaica. The whole island. She got around alot.

Funny, to the point and absorbing. Enjoy.

NEXT: Sandy B Steps 10-11PREV: Tom I Steps 6-7

(59 min) (20.5 MB) (id#901)






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