Sober 29 years since 5/15/1989, Katy is very active in service in Atlanta and Georgia (Area 16).
Sober since age 18, Katy was always an awkward kid who went to nine schools in twelve years.
Living with her mother in New York City, she lived in two worlds - the tough, Spanglish speaking girl from the public school and the preppy, hanging with the private school kids.
Which is interesting as she is not Hispanic.
Then she found her people - the ones who skipped school, drank and smoked weed.
Her mother gave her the ultimatum to go live independently or move to Atlanta with Dad.
She accidently got sober to support a boyfriend who went to treatment.
The journey started when she hooked up with the young people in AA.
Where it took her from there is fascinating.
Resposibility is Sexy: Katy M of Alpharetta, GA at Marietta, GA 2019
(45 min) (7.9 MB) (id#2576)