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(#2075) Earl H (Scottsdale, AZ)
10/14/2017 in Macon, GA  EVENT: 64th Georgia State Convention  TYPE: AA, Male, Story

Sober 36 years since 11/6/1980 - Earl recently took 6 years off from speaking with his sponsor's permission who then called him up and said;

"Enough of that."

There was a 30 minute sobriety countdown before this talk where EVERY year was recognized with a squad of blue shirt greeters running all over the hall making sure everyone who stood up got a hug.

Everyone got a hug - 3 men with 47 years to a girl and two guys with less than 3 days. Powerful.

Earl holds a special place in my heart. My son and I were listening to Earl's talk from Sacramento in 2002 on the way up and back on a camping trip. I saw the message click in my son who now has 11 years sober.

Earl H in Sacramento 2002

(1 hr 2 min) (14.3 MB) (id#2075)






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