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Dick W-Jerry T - BBS 2002
Total time across all 8 files is 10.2 hours.
Recording 3 of 8

Big Book Discussion 2002

Dick and Jerry are from Charlotte, NC. Dick is sober 36 years since 10/17/1965. Jerry is sober 18 years since 11/2/1983.

Both are passionate and knowledgeable about the Big Book and the Program of Recovery.

This workshop was held between Friday, February 20th and Sunday the 22nd 2002.

It is very similar to Joe and Charlie's The Big Book Comes Alive Weekend even using many of the same stories to illustrate concepts of recovery,

There are a number of difference that make it well worth the time.

NOTE: Some of the events they relate regarding Rowland H and Dr. Carl Jung may have been a little different historically though accurate spiritually. Please refer to the Readings section off the Home Page on WeJoy and the articles about Rowland, The Emmanuel Movement and Courtenay Baylor.

Listen to Dick's story on WeJoy:

Dick W at the Atlanta Roundup 2008


(#1957) Dick W-Jerry T - BBS 2002 p3 (Charlotte, NC)
9/20-22/2002 in Buford, GA  EVENT: Unity Weekend  TYPE: AA, Male, Workshop

Bill's Story p.9 thru There is a Solution p. 26

From Ebby coming to see Bill to the start of the story about Rowland Hazard with a brief excursion in the the Appendix on Spiritual Awakening.

(1 hr 18 min) (17.9 MB) (id#1957)





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