David A - Traditions 1991 - GA
Total time across all 3 files is 3.9 hours.
Recording 3 of 3
12 Traditions: A Master Workshop
Sober 23 years since 4/20/1967, past Delegate from Texas and later a Trustee on the General Service Board of Alcoholics Anonymous, David is a Master with the Traditions.
Two years later at the same event, David gave one of the best presentations on the Concepts I have heard to this point:
David A of TX at Suwanee, GA 1993 - 12 Concepts of Workld Service
(#1965) David A - Traditions 1991 - GA p3 (Dallas, TX)2/23-24/1991 in Suwanee, GA EVENT: Unity Weekend TYPE: AA, Male, Traditions
Tradition 7 (Money) Part 2 thru Tradition 12 (Anonymity)
(1 hr 17 min) (17.8 MB) (id#1965)