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(#1247) Clancy I (Venice, CA)
7/21/2007 in Atlanta, GA  EVENT: 32nd Atlanta Roundup  TYPE: AA, Male, Story

Sober 48 years since 10/31/1958, Clancy is the most recorded speaker in AA history.

Like black jelly beans and beef liver, very few listeners are neutral when it comes to Clancy.

I have met him around a table at a Roundup and spoken with him briefly about varies topics in AA and I love his passion for this program.

He is an incredible giver in AA, gruff, blunt, opinionated and adored and sometimes feared by the legions he sponsors.

Probably no one else has done more to help those affected understand that alcoholism is a Disease of Perception.

He did a workshop several hours before this talk:

Clancy I - Where Do We Go From Here - Workshop - Atlanta 2007

(1 hr 29 min) (30.7 MB) (id#1247)






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