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(#934) Young People in AA (TX,NW,MD,GA)
7/3/2015 in Atlanta, GA  EVENT: AA International 2015  TYPE: AA, Both, Story

Young People in A.A.

A very strong session - heart felt - powerful.

Chair:Laura S-TX
Julio R-NM (14+ years)
Katie E-MD (8 years since 11/7/06)
Chase S-GA (10 years since 5/4/05)

Held in room B302-305 Saturday at 11am

Chase's full story at the 38th Allatoona Roundup

Listen to the same topic from other AA International Conventions:

Young People in AA - 1975 - Denver, CO

Young People in AA - 2005 - Toronto, ON

Young People in AA - 2010 - San Antonio, TX

(55 min) (12.7 MB) (id#934)






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