A Chair and four speakers sharing what it's like to get and stay sober in Eastern Europe.
Chair: Mykhailo A of the Ukraine
Lernid possibly from Latvia (the program mentions Vita B from Latvia instead) - sober 19 years - speaking in part through an interpreter. He has attended the Internationals in 2000, 2005 and 2010 as well.
Jaroslav B-Czech Republic yielded his time to Aritsa (sp?) of the Slav Republic
Sasha Ana Z of Slovenia
Michal S of the Czech Republic
Held on the 2nd day of the convention starting at 11:30 am in rom B206 of the World Congress Center.
Listen to the same topic from other AA International Conventions:
A.A. in Eastern Europe - 1995 - San Diego, CA
A.A. in Eastern Europe - 2005 - Toronto, ON
(1 hr 5 min) (15 MB) (id#1370)