A chairperson and three speakers on the topic of PI/CPC.(Cooperation with the Professional Community)
Chair: Tom C of Iowa
Gene McD of Florida - Sober 14 years since 3/29/1996
Jennifer D of Manitoba Canada - Sober 5 years since 4/19/2005 - PICPC-Treatment Chair for Area 80
Dick C of Minnesota - Sober 29 years since 1/5/1981. Dick came to AA as a direct result a PI effort.
Held in Room 214 A-B strting at 11:30 am
Listen to the same topic from other AA International Conventions:
Carrying the Message Through Public Information - 2005 - Toronto, ON
Carrying the Message Through Public Information - 2015 - Atlanta, GA
(41 min) (4.8 MB) (id#1030)