A lively speaker, Viki grew up in a Brady Bunch type family in Maryland. Her dad was a professional football player. There was no alcoholism in her family. She had insanity; all she need was to add alcohol. Her first drink led to a blackout drunk as a pom-pom girl on the beach. She started with alcohol and ended with alcohol with lots of drugs in between. She learned to live a double life like "Looking for Mr. Goodbar". She became a special ed school teacher where all the staff used alcohol and drugs. She left that job to wander the country as a bar tender. She got thrown out of Telluride, CO and made her way toPhoenix, AZ. There she got into AA on a series of events involving a library, books on how to beat a lie detector test and twenty questions left on a copier.
(42 min) (19.5 MB) (id#217)