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(#1624) Tina H (Waukesha, WI)
4/28/2007 in Marietta, GA  EVENT: 17th Marietta Roundup  TYPE: AA, Female, Story

Sober 23 years since 4/19/1984 when she was 14 years old, now 37 years old, Tina, at the time of this talk, was a Trustee on the AA General Services Board.

She has been very active in the International Conference of Young People in AA (ICYAA).

Her dad used physical violence to teach discipline.

"I was the kind of girl that always walked on egg shells - I just didn't know ... what was gonna happen...I grew up really fast."

None of this is why she is an alcoholic but it contributed to her outcomes and her attitudes to other people.

Lively and powerful.

(1 hr 4 min) (22.1 MB) (id#1624)






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