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(#1932) Sue D (Yorba Linda, CA)
4/8/1995 in Marietta, GA  EVENT: 5th Marietta Roundup  TYPE: Al-Anon, Female, Story

Some 18 years in Al-Anon since her husband Keith came into AA 5/11/1976, Sue is a powerful speaker who did not hesitate to go toe-to-toe with her husband an qualifier Keith while he was in his drinking days.

She got him to AA at knife point - almost.

Keith also spoke at this same event:

Keith D of Yorba Linda, CA at Marietta, GA 1995

Sue spoke again in 2008 at the same event:

Sue D of Yorba Linda, CA at Marietta, GA 2008

(1 hr 3 min) (14.6 MB) (id#1932)






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