Sober 4 years since 3/23/2015, Steve says many times that his philosophy for years had been,
"If you don't like my driving, get off the sidewalk."
Born in Milwaukee, WI, he struggled with alcoholism for many years.
Number 2 of 4 brothers, he started drinking at age 10.
His parents were successful non-alcoholics. Steve went to private school and barely made it through due to drugs and drinking with occasional suicide attempts.
"I didn't like the way I felt, and I kept self-medicating...It's like I spent 30 years in a blackout."
One time he drove his car off suicide hill, broke his neck and back, spent 18 months of physical therapy and went back to drinking and drugs as soon as he could.
"I did not want to give it up no matter what."
Five lifetime DUI's, fractured skull, hospitals and institutions.
Amazing how we get from there to here.
(41 min) (9.6 MB) (id#2723)