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(#4543) Stacy S (San Antonio, TX)
2/18/2018 in El Paso, TX  EVENT: 56th Annual El Paso Jamboree  TYPE: AA, Female, Story

Sober 14 years since 4/25/2003, Stacy is a native of San Antonio, TX.

"It feels good to be a part of the world. If it was not for Alcoholics Anonymous, I would not have a purpose today. It is because of Alcoholics Anonymous that I have been lifted from the ashes and brought to a life beyond my wildest dreams. It is because of Alcoholics Anonymous that I am a woman with a past and a future and I don't apologize for either one. Hell, it's because of Alcoholics Anonymous that I have on clean underwear today!"

(1 hr 12 min) (16.6 MB) (id#4543)





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