Scott R. was raised Jewish in a family with some very interesting characteristics. One aunt sewed throw pillows out of the steel wool her husband had been given as a bonus at work. It made for squirmish guests as the fibers poked through the fabric. This is the type of humor Scott brings to this walk through the steps.
Scot passed away in 2008. One recent entry in his guestbook says it well:
"It's amazing how the light of one person can touch so many. I stumbled upon a recording of Scott sharing in South Dakota and it led me here. My thoughts and love to his family. Scott's humor and delivery of the miracle of working the steps of AA touched me deeply. I so appreciate his honesty about his spirituality and that God does not dole out tragedy to those needing to learn lessons. What a true gift to be able to communicate the hope sobriety offers. Thank you Scott for being of service to this alcoholic." --
CD 1 of 4
(1 hr 17 min) (26.5 MB) (id#348)