Held in December, the retreat was envisioned by Sandy B to not be marketed - no flyers, no website - just spread by word of mouth, drawing seekers from the four corners in a non-AA spiritually focused men's retreat.
Handout from the event:
The first talk of the first Far Corners Retreat, Sandy starts by reading the Prayer of St. Francis as found in the Twelve and Twelve (p.99).
Note: There is another version that starts "Lord, make me an instrument of thy Peace...".
He starts describing the baggage attendees say they brought with them - worries and fear (some are actually humorous).
He has them all leave the room and leave that "baggage" outside to room.
Sandy's plan was to share stories,"...which is the only way you can really talk about God, is to tell stories since we can't see God."
(47 min) (10.9 MB) (id#1808)