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(#272) Rosa C (Folly Beach, SC)
5/3-5/1997 in Marietta, GA  EVENT: 7th Marietta Roundup  TYPE: AA, Female, Story

A truly delightful speaker, Rosa was a waitress who later became a treatment counselor for the Navy.

She says she sounds like she'd "been rode hard and put away wet!" Her first husband told her he was sterile from being near the atomic bomb tests. Later she went to the doctor for a "tumor" that she gave birth to seven months later.

She grew up in the mountains of North Carolina but loves living near the energy of the ocean. Her life has been miracle after miracle once she drank herself into this program. She came into AA the first time but she left AA and tried religion to get sober.

She got so holy nobody could stand her. But she drank again.

She woke up in her bed after wrecking the car one more time only to find an AA women sitting next to her. And Rosa said "Good Morning" to her just like she was there every morning. She was convinced to go to treatment to avoid staying home with that wrecked car.

Original Tape Set Cover

(51 min) (17.7 MB) (id#272)