Sober 30 years since 7/14/1986, Ron was the first of the 6 brothers in his family to get sober.
5' 4.5", he was a bookish dreamer. He grew up in Watts in L.A. His father was kicked out of the house for his drinking when Ron was a young boy.
Ron tells of pinning a towel on his shoulders like a cape and going through the neighborhood streets acting like a super hero.
He did not drink or use until 18 years old. He was one of the youngest black males to make it through law school and pass the Bar even though his drinking was starting to take over his life.
Within only a few years he was living at home and on the streets doing whatever he could to drink and use.
His mother went from welfare mom to college educated respected office worker with responsibility. She did all that and raised five troublesome boys. All have come into the program.
Powerful and insightful
He did a three part workshop with his brother Ralph in Nashville.
3 part Workshop - Ralph and Ron W. of L.A. at Nashville July 2014
(1 hr 16 min) (13.1 MB) (id#1322)