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(#4599) Robyn V (Winston Salem, NC)
8/17/2024 in Cartersville, GA  EVENT: 45th Allatoona Roundup  TYPE: Al-Anon, Female, Story

She did not inherit the allergy though she tried, drinking heavily with her alcoholic.

Her first moment of clarity was 31 years before on 12/29/1992 when she told her husband Dave:

"I can't live like this anymore."

Shortly after, Dave went back to AA and she went to her first Al-Anon meeting,

She was told not to JAB: Judge, Accuse, or Blame.

"All communications stopped on my par

Dave relapsed and she was finally driven to the point where she put down the magnifying glass and picked up the mirror.

"WAIT stands for: Why am I talking?"

(1 hr 4 min) (11.1 MB) (id#4599)






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