Sober 12 years since 8/30/2004, Rich did not quit drinking but was rather given the ability through AA to accept the gift of not needing a drink on that day or since.
He grew up in Baltimore, MD in a "brutal home" by loving, wonderful parents who had rules, and only wanted him to have a better life than they had. It wasn't until he got into AA that he was able to realize how he had to change the story about his childhood.
They bussed him to a private school, they could barely afford, starting in third grade. There he drank for the first time and had his first kiss the same day. He also, got in trouble but ...
Teaching lessons about not drinking has no effect on the alcoholic.
In sobriety, he finished law school and passed the bar even though he had 36 arrests prior to joining AA. Shortly after passing, he got a job offer to become the Narcotics and Gang Prosecutor for the State of Maryland which he has done for nine years.
Our past will become our greatest asset.
(1 hr 13 min) (12.6 MB) (id#1758)