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Ric B 12 Concepts
Total time across all 3 files is 2.9 hours.
Recording 3 of 3

Al-Anon's 12 Concepts

At the time of this workshop, Ric B. was the Director of Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. He speaks some at the beginning about how to find literature and to access the member's portion of the WSO website (available as a link from the WeJoy Home page). He then does a marvelous job explaining what the 12 Concepts mean to the organization as well as how they are applied to add quality to our lives.

Recommended for anyone who wants to find greater peace and harmony.


(#334) Ric B - Concepts P3 (Norfolk, VA)
Nov 2010 in Baton Rouge, LA  EVENT: Louisiana's State Area Assembly  TYPE: Al-Anon, Male, Workshop

Part three

(12 min) (8.9 MB) (id#334)





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