The recording quality is good though not excellent. This recording is well worth the effort. Between the moderator Ross W and the four speakers there was over 160 years of sobriety represented at the speakers' table.
Herb W knew Bill Dodson AA#3 and used to drive him around.
Mose Y was a lively speaker famous for his saying - in fact most of his talk is sayings which are all very good.
Ann C was a non-drinking Sunday School teacher working at the lunch counter in Dr. Bob's office building during his drinking years. Later she moved to Niles, OH and began her drinking "career". Later she was startled to learn that the Bob everyone had been talking about was the man she used to shy away from because he smelled of alcohol.
Al L got sober in West Virginia but moved to Akron. He worked nights for many years but did get to spend a good deal of time with Bill Dodson AA#3.
NOTE: The Tracks version is split every 5 minutes or when the speaker changes.
(1 hr 18 min) (17.9 MB) (id#340)