Found Al-Anon in 1963. Sometimes grateful member forgetting that without the program she would be locked up. Grew up in a household in the 'slumy' part of Greenwich Village. There was no drinking and drinking was frowned upon. Father was a cop. Nancy had a low opinion of herself. Went to High School uptown and learned that drinking could be upscale and lots of fun. Drank to fit in and loose her inhibition. Met her current Irish husband and thought he was sophisticated. Married in 1951. She stopped drinking when his drinking became a problem. Started trying to moderate her husband's drinking but always afraid she could not care for herself without him. Soon became war - would stop him or kill him. Would give him food and pills to make him sick enough to go to the doctor so the doc would make him quit drinking. He never got sick enough to go to the doctor. In 1963, her husband was in the psych-hospital and befriended a man from AA who introduced her to the idea of Al-Anon. Preferred crazy to alcoholic but came to believe that alcohol was the problem. Al-Anon made it OK to get off her husband's back.
(1 hr 3 min) (14.5 MB) (id#147)