At 88 years old and in Al-Anon 49 years through the Grace of God, Mary's husband, Lou Rhodes Sr, was the first black delegate to the General Service Conference in 1967. He was known for weaving the Traditions into his design for daily living.
Lewis was sober eight years before Mary ever heard of Al-Anon.
There were many challenges and opportunities for AA's to open their doors to Mary and Louis.
Mary shares what it was like before and after Al-Anon.
How she started the first Al-Anon meeting is very funny. She was angry when she realized the purpose of the Program was to look at what was wrong with "us". She felt there was nothing wrong with "us".
How it became real for her is inspiiring - she went from an "I" to a "We".
Truly historic and a delightful journey with someone who lived the Program in the early days.
Her grandson and son reflected with her on Lou R, Sr.'s life at the 18th National Archives Workshop in King of Prussia, PA
(1 hr 5 min) (22.5 MB) (id#1254)