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(#1680) Mari G (Toronto, ON)
2/19/2017 in Hebron, KY  EVENT: 66th Kentucky State Conference  TYPE: AA, Female, Story

Sober 32 years since 8/10/1984, Mari was at this conference six years earlier.

She is sponsored by Clancy I of Venice, CA as is another speaker at this event Bob D of Las Vegas.

"I was a feral drunk. You know, once upon a time I came from civilized people but now I am living in the wild."

Born in Glasgow Scotland of English, Irish and Scottish heritage, she had alcoholism long before she drank.

"I was born with a criminal mindset...I was never taught to steal. It just came naturally."

She had panic attacks and an endless fascination with death. Her hero was her grandfather - the alcoholic.

"And my granny was behind the curtain with a rolling pin and a rosary, you know, the two staples of the Irish household."

She was a stewardess who found a rich Jamaican. In sobriety she owed amends to the whole island.

Her disease took her to the streets of Miami and eventually to the rooms of AA.

(1 hr 2 min) (10.7 MB) (id#1680)






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