Sober 26 years since 8/30/1963 though without a drink 5 days at that time, Maggie started the Biscayne Room on Clairmont Road in Atlanta that, in 2018, still holds regular meetings.
She was in Dekalb County jail three times for DUI in an age when respectable women just did not do that. When she got out, she went right back to drinking.
The turning point came, living alone but still hiding bottles, she said to herself:
"There has got to be a better way to run my railroad."
"I am convinced that what gets us in here is that total aloneness."
Maggie tells her story then turns her focus to practicing the principles.
Her road has taken her through traumatic changes in her life:
Drunkenness to dryness to soberness to sobriety to serenity to senility.
On her first day in AA, all she wanted was to get rid of the black-cobwebs.
NOTE: The date if this talk is estimated from Maggie mentioning that AA is almost 55 year old: 1935 + 55 = 1990