Sober 25 years since 9/27/1993, Leroy grew up in Brooklyn, NY.
His first drink was at age six and he drank all he could and wound up in the hospital.
Every report card said, "Has no self-control."
He joined the Navy on a resentment before graduating.
The aircraft carrier he was on was on 20/20 as having the biggest substance abuse problem in the Navy.
After the Navy, he went from living on the streets in New York City, to back with mom in North Carolina, to a shady telemarketing outfit in Atlanta.
He went to treatment to stay out of jail, got a sponsor who talked about being at peace and became a sober single dad still working the sleezy telemarketing.
How he learned to practice these principles in all his affairs is a wonderful story with tragedy, health challenges, career changes and true love.
(1 hr 5 min) (11.2 MB) (id#2579)