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(#1610) Lee Y (Lake Mary, FL)
5/4/2001 in Marietta, GA  EVENT: 11th Marietta Roundup  TYPE: AA, Male, Story

Sober 16 years since 11/20/1984, Lee says.

"I didn't pick that day. I would have picked a better day than that one. I would have picked Christmas or the Fourth of July or something like that but, you know, we don't get to do that here. You don't get to pick your sobriety date, you know. I picked a bunch of them. They just didn't take."

Lee grew up in Arkansas and started stealing at an early age. He did some very hard time in prison there - twice. It was a hell hole where the authorities decided it might be a good idea to arm some of the inmates.

"Human life devalued to the price of a carton of cigarettes."

He was exposed to AA in prison in Florida.

When he got out and finally started taking direction and trusting in this power behind the principles, some amazing things began to happen.

The spiritual life has become the center of his new design for living.

Moving and powerful.

(1 hr 15 min) (25.9 MB) (id#1610)






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