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(#2161) Lara B (Vancouver, BC)
9/1/2017 in Torrance, CA  EVENT: 33rd South Bay Family Roundup  TYPE: AA, Female, Story

Sober 10 years since 3/25/2007 at age 37 Lara first came to AA in 1991 at age 21 in Hawaii.

Her mom was "brutally addicted to drugs and alcohol". Everything that could happen to an abandoned child happen to her but that did not make her an alcoholic.

Her mom is 26 years sober in AA, Lara 12 stepped her, and they have a loving relationship.

It is possible to let everything go and not have a need to be a victim.

A keyboard player from a famous band became her "AA Eskimo".

Lara got successful and allowed her husband to pull her away from AA.

Great talk.

(52 min) (12.1 MB) (id#2161)





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