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(#1933) Keith (AA) and Sue D (AFG) (Yorba Linda, CA)
10/26/2002 in Athens, GA  EVENT: 49th Georgia State Convention  TYPE: AA and Al-Anon, Both, Workshop, Traditions

12 Traditions & Relationships

Over 26 years in AA and Al-Anon since Keith came into AA on 5/11/1976, Keith and Sue focus on applying the 12 Traditions in their relationships.

They have been married 40 years and in the active disease 15 years.

They came to recovery through a family recovery oriented facility.

The family is very active in recovery on a daily basis.

Keith and Sue appear on WeJoy numerous times:

Index of talks by Keith (AA) or Sue (AFG) D of Yorba Linda, CA

NOTE: This talk is seven minutes over what will fit on a single CD

(1 hr 27 min) (20 MB) (id#1933)






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