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(#2830) John L (Woodstock, GA)
3/5/2022 in Woodstock, GA  EVENT: Sober@6 33rd Anniversary  TYPE: AA, Male, Story

Sober 45 years since 9/7/1976, John was born in El Paso, TX from great parents with a dad that never raised a hand to him.

He was culled early to go into the Catholic priesthood by the local Bishop until John realized in his senior year that he did not want to be celibate.

It was too late to enroll in college, so she went to the Air Force recruiter in 1960.

John made the highest score possible on the exams and was offered a position at a Prep School that allowed him later to enter the Air Force Academy.

He was always able to drink way more than others with little noticeable effect.

At age 34, after some serious DT's, he came into AA in Nebraska to try and rescue his marriage that was never reconciled. Peg M chaired his first meeting. She and her husband Dick sponsor many AA's around the country. He had landed in very fertile ground.

John had a long second marriage with a beautiful woman he met in AA. He got to be her daily caregiver in the last three years of her life.

As an Air Force Colonel in recovery, he reached a very responsible position at the Pentagon where the Program helped him easily handle potentially stressful major Air Force contract issues with prudence and humor.

His faith in God remains strong and he attends Mass most every morning where God speaks to his heart and gives him direction.

There are many jewels of wisdom and experience in this talk.

(48 min) (11 MB) (id#2830)






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