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(#2718) Joe C - Steps 7-8-9 (Palm Coast, FL)
11/23/2019 in Buford, GA  EVENT: 10th Woodstock of the South  TYPE: AA, Male, Steps

STEPS 7-8-9

Sober 29 years since 9/11/1990, Joe came into AA from a motel room where he and his toddler son were "living" in only the barest sense of the word.

In sobriety, he took a job that earned less but allowed him to be with his family.

He wound up in an industry that has allowed him to turn the business over to his kids while he spends time one on one working with another alcoholic.

His wife says he suffers from ODD - Obstinate Defiant Disorder but Joe says he suffers from a Terminal Sense of Lack.

PREVIOUS: Lillie H - Steps 4-5-6

NEXT: Polly P - Steps 10-11

(52 min) (9 MB) (id#2718)






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