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(#1677) Joe B (Cincinnati, OH)
2/17/2017 in Hebron, KY  EVENT: 66th Kentucky State AA Conference  TYPE: AA, Male, Story

Sober 15 years 7/7/2001, Joe thinks he was asked to share because his story is so outrageous. If he could get sober, anybody can.

He grew up in the Price Hill community of west Cincinnati. At age 6, he used to sneek the candy out of his siblings Easter baskets after his parents hid them at night.

"I knew at a young age there was something different about me."

There was alcohol in his family but they didn't go to jail.

He came in and out of AA before but has learned to care for and about others including his adopted daughter.

(42 min) (7.2 MB) (id#1677)






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