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(#1678) Joe A (Cincinnati, OH)
2/17/2017 in Hebron, KY  EVENT: 66th Kentucky State AA Conterence  TYPE: AA, Male, Story

Sober 38 years since 10/5/1978 at age 22 after several relapses, this talk is a little different than his usual talk as he is near his home town.

He gets to travel around the country and see the many ways AA's stay sober.

"The common denominator is they relied on a Power greater than themselves and continue to carry the message of what my drinking was like, what happened to me and what my life is like now."

"We're getting wiped out, man. There is a big wave of heroin epidemic in this country. It's huge and if I were to come into AA today there is a good chance I'd probably be an alcoholic and a heroin addict...Being ignorant and naive I would have done it."

Using alcohol everyday does not make one an alcoholic but using heroin or crack regularly will make one an addict because it is so addictive.

He gives examples from his personal experience.

"A functioning alcoholic is like a paraplegic lap dancer. You might think you're bumping and grinding but only in your mind."

Very interesting.

(46 min) (8 MB) (id#1678)






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