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(#274) Jessica S (Plantersville, MS)
1/27/2001 in Biloxi, MS  EVENT: Gulf Coast Roundup  TYPE: AA, Female, Story

Sober since 8/4/1976, Jessica is a lively country gal who got sober in the old school of AA. She is still crazy after all these years. She didn't know she was crazy when she came in. "My crazy has kept me from going insane."

Born on a farm in the early 30's in the segregated south, she knew she did not like it. She had to keep everything bottled up inside her. Her family moved to Chicago and life was very different.

She got pregnant out of wedlock and that was frowned on in those days. Her mom did not care who she married but just that she married. It was terrible. Jessica is a night person and would not take direction from her husband.

Her drinking took her into a blackout and kicked out of the lowliest bars. She was given a number for AA and thought it was Triple-A but kept the card. She found the card on August 3rd, tired of drinking for the first time, she came into AA the next day.

(1 hr 7 min) (23.2 MB) (id#274)





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