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(#354) Jerry B (Acworth, GA)
7/12/2013 in Kennesaw, GA  EVENT: Depot Semi-Annual Eating Meeting  TYPE: AA, Male, Story

Sober 27 years since 11/5/1985, Jerry is a native of Acworth. He grew up on what was considered the wrong side of the tracks.

He got saved, had his first drink and first date all at the age of 12.

One of seven children, he is the only one that has faced the disease in recovery.

He quit school at 17 so he could work to earn the things he thought would make him happy. He soon joined the Army and in 1965 was one of the few who did not go to Vietnam.

He married his pregnant girl friend and they had a son. The marriage was rocky with sickness on both sides.

Jerry got a job with the railroad and built a business on the side. He sold that in the last years of his drinking.

He saw a vision in the mirror that brought him closer to the truth about himself.

He came into AA and was guided toward recovery. At five years sober he nearly drank and considered suicide. He got down on his knees and found some relief.

He had divorced the first wife and after several failed relationships found in his fifties he could truly love a woman.

He and Jeannette are happily married to this day. They had just gotten back from the Al-anon International in Seattle where Jerry chaired a panel on an invite from GSO.

How to you get from there to here?

(51 min) (17.9 MB) (id#354)





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