In Al-Anon 22 years since 11/1/1993, Jenny came into the Program at age 24. Everyone else was older.
She grew up in an alcoholic home though none of the members has ever, to her knowledge, classified themselves as alcoholic. Her dad's drinking never bothered her but all the rest of it did.
A rule follower who is also stubborn and defiant, "It is very arbitrary the rules I choose to follow."
Her parent divorced when she was 19 and she got caught in the middle of it.
She was looking to fix that "thing" so then she would be happy. Today she knows, whatever it is, it will never be enough.
She lived for a time in Atlanta with her grandparents when she was 20. She got along with them though they gave her a midnight curfew. She went to Art school at Georgia State. A fellow student re-introduced her to Al-Anon.
Her grandfather died this past June at 101 years old.
(1 hr 1 min) (10.5 MB) (id#1329)