Sober 3 years since 6/25/2018, Jeff had his anger removed along with his obsession to drink.
Bullied for his weight in elementary school, he "shot up" to over 6 feet.
A classmate pushed him too far in the middle of class and Jeff beat him with a chair in a blackout of rage.
Jeff went from being bullied to being the bully.
In the past year, he nearly died from blood clots.
In the month preceding this talk, his mother died suddenly from an anurism and days after that he was fired from his job on questionable grounds.
His anger flared in the parking lot afterwards but NOT during that final meeting.
And he didn't drink, he called recovering alcoholics and came to his homegroup the next morning.
This is truly a remarkabke success story.
(And I am not saying this just to keep him from beating me with a chair ;->)
(36 min) (8.3 MB) (id#2774)