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(#1883) Jan C (Houston, TX)
7/18/1998 in Atlanta, GA  EVENT: 23rd Allatoona Roundup  TYPE: Al-Anon, Female, Story

Nineteen years in Al-Anon since 11/14/1978, Jan comes from a long line of alcoholics and has married two or three of them - she has lost count.

"I was like a chameleon on a plaid skirt."

She even tried Maidenform bras to try and keep him sober.

In Texas Al-non they say,

"Trying to keep an alcoholic sober is like trying to teach a pig to sing.

It doesn't work and it just annoys the pig."

After years of living in the family dysfunction this disease fosters, she went to see a psychiatrist. All she could talk about was them whenever he asked, "Now tell me about you." until she finally opened up to another human being.

He suggested she belonged in Al-Anon and she started this journey.

She had such a resentment to God, she left Him out of her program but she kept coming back.

(1 hr 16 min) (17.4 MB) (id#1883)






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