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(#1456) GSSA Office Committee Meeting - May 1983 (Georgia)
5/21/1983 in Macon, GA  EVENT: Georgia State Service Assembly (GSSA)  TYPE: AA, Male, Assembly

Area 16 Archives

GSSA Office Committee Meeting - May 1983

Chair Keith S. speaks rather infrequent.

Joe P covers the new process for DCMs to announce their intention in May to stand for Delegate in September. This is the same process used in 2016 and this, according to Joe, was the first time it was used.

Much discussion about letting the motion come to the floor about changing the Service Manual, not so much to address the Hilton Venue issue, but rather to educate the membership on what it takes to change the manual.

Paul A gives a treasurer's report.

This recording is part of the GSSA Archives collection. (C00-0383)

(45 min) (20.9 MB) (id#1456)






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