Introduced by Area 16 Chairperson and past Delegate Joe P of Atlanta.
Panel 32 Delegate 1982-83 John L. of East Point, GA gives his report after just returning from his second General Service Conference representing Area 16 in New York the previous month.
John announced the election of the 1st black man on the General Service Board, Garrett Taylor from Washington, DC, as Northeast Area Trustee and the first woman, Joan K. Jackson, to be elected a Class-A Trustee.
(see Grapevine January 1987 "Around AA" and what Joan says about what Class-A Trustees bring to AA)
Between 1982 and 1983, five individuals of a different race and or sex, were added to what had been an all white, all male General Services Board.
John also announced that President Reagan awarded AA the volunteer action award 4/13/1983. A picture of it is on the AA website.
Volunteer Action Award to AA 1983
At this time, judges and counselors were starting to send people in large numbers to AA with papers to sign. I think his approach is in line with the Traditions nd well stated.
He relates well the many agenda items discussed.
GSSA Cassette # C00-0390
(49 min) (22.6 MB) (id#1441)