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(#1440) GSSA DCM Meeting (Georgia)
5/21/1983 in Macon, GA  EVENT: Georgia State Service Assembly (GSSA)  TYPE: AA, Both, Assembly


Probably not of general interest except to those involved in service or members of District 13D, 13G and 13H in Georgia as this part of how 13D was divided into three parts.

Chair: Delegate John L - Panel 32

Starts with Role Call. Interesting to hear which Districts existed at the time and who attended.

Issue #1: Redistricting 13D - 45 groups - add two new zones - presented by Odell Clements. Next to last phase of the process prior to vote by the Assembly in Sept 1983. Add Zones G and H. Assisted by Virgil W and assisted and endorsed by Joe P.

Issue #2: Upcoming Workshops
Ft. Stewart May 28th
HALT Club in Gainesville June 12
Alpha Club Macon GA Aug 7

Issue #3: Need increase reimburse Delegate's expenses from $1000 to $1250 for the next Delegate but considered raising it to $1500. Treasurer says we do not have enough to do $1500. $1250 was defeated $1500 passed.

Issue #4: Alt-Delegate never has gotten reimbursement and gets called on more and more. Office committee suggested $250. Motion was made to increase $300. Third motion to make it $500. Interesting. Suggestion made that the expense would not be as high if the Districts would help pay expenses when Area servants travel to their area.

Issue #5: Joe P-State Sec has resigned. Need nominations to be elected in Sept.

Issue #6: Joe P-We will asks for the first time ever for the DCM's and Alt-DCMs to state their intention to run for Delegate in Sept.

Issue #6: Joe P-Need to re-communicate about our State Service Manual and make sure more people have one by giving them away free at this Assembly only. Later to be sold at cost.

GSSA Cassette #: C00-0389

(56 min) (25.9 MB) (id#1440)






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