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(#1348) Gary J (Phoenix, AZ)
10/11/1991 in San Antonio, TX  EVENT: 41st Annual Southwest Texas Area Conference  TYPE: AA, Male, Story

I highly recommend this talk.

Sober 8 years since 1983, Gary was raised in El Paso TX and sobered up in San Antonio.

He had an opportunity to play major league baseball but once drinking that dream no longer mattered.

He joined the Air Force and found playing softball for the Air Force team gave him immunity from some of his behavior while drinking until it all caught up with him.

He got sober on his second attempt at AA in an effort to get his wife and family back.

His delightful stumbling through the steps, step by step with wonderful examples, is the highlight of this talk.

(1 hr 10 min) (16.1 MB) (id#1348)





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