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(#1710) Fr Tom W (Oakland, CA)
9/1/2001 in Westlake Village, CA  EVENT: 23rd VCAAC  TYPE: AA, Male, Story


Sober 25 years since 8/19/1976 at age 29, a very funny speaker, Father Tom had been intervened on by members of his religious community.

He shares how alcoholism is like dancing with a gorilla - you're not done until the gorilla says so.

He found out at his first meeting that we also don't smoke that non-habit forming dope either. He had smoked every night for seven and a half years.

One of my favorites and in my collection since I was six months sober, Tom, and this recording in particular, helped me early in recovery to laugh at me.

(1 hr 16 min) (26.4 MB) (id#1710)





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