Sober 13 years since 8/10/2004, Damon shares his qualifications for the Program with an emphasis on the 12th Tradition in long form:
"And finally, we of Alcoholics Anonymous believe that the principle of anonymity has an immense spiritual significance. It reminds us that we are to place principles before personalities; that we are actually to practice a genuine humility. This to the end that our great blessings may never spoil us; that we shall forever live in thankful contemplation of Him who presides over us all."
He considers his great blessings to be:
1. Willingness
2. Freedom from King Alcohol
3. Awareness
4. Appreciation
5. Wisdom
6. Energy
7. Efficiency
8. Proportion (Sanity)
9. Wholesome Life
Unlike the blessings of wealth, power, prestige or even particular personal relationships, these do not appear and disappear with changing circumstances.
(40 min) (7 MB) (id#2256)