Sober 11 years since 4/28/2000, 49 years old, that was not Cathy's first sobriety date.
Speaking is her least favorite thing to do in AA. But AA has given her a God of her understanding that is beyond her wildest dreams.
She feels she would be one of those who would kill herself rather than go back to drinking again because alcohol took her all the way down.
She feels there might be twelve dimensions of existence rather than the four Bill suggested.
She is passionate about the history of AA.
She was a thief and conniver from an early age. She was a loner in the woods, a country girl, she did not have many friends. She started drinking at age 13. At 14 she was in the streets; 15 a nut house; 17 a prison farm.
The journey from there to a sober, productive member of society is beautiful.